Get Rid Of The Imposter Syndrome For Good!

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When you embrace the idea that, yes, you were lucky, the fear drops away. And then you become more open to the possibility that the universe will continue to guard your back.

Because here is a truth that only a few discover: when you look for signs that the Universe is ‘friendly’ you will find them everywhere.

It is far better to live in a ‘friendly’ universe than an ‘indifferent’ or ‘hostile’ one.

I’m used to ascribing neutrality as the universe’s default mode, but I didn’t consider the possibility that a neutral universe can be harnessed in whichever way you want.

As a developer, whenever I see my code works right, I often squint at it in disbelief, wondering what I did wrong, feeling like it’ll break the second I push it to production.

Maybe in those moments where my impostor syndrome is peaking, I should accept the pat on the back from the universe and give it some flowers.

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