How to read like an artist

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If you aren’t getting anything out of a book, put it down and pick up another book. Every hour you spend inching through a boring book is an hour you could’ve spent plowing through a brilliant one.

When it comes to books, quitters finish more.

It helps if you choose the right books in the first place. Stop reading what you think you should be reading and just read what you genuinely want to read. Read what you love.

Great advice here from Austin Kleon. I have been applying it to all of my forms of media consumption: music, television, and movies. And YouTube. And long form internet reads.

I think it’s important to recognize that reading can also include these newer forms of media. You can learn just as much from a well-made YouTube essay as you can from a well-made book.

When you drag your thoughts through multiple disparate pieces of art, you end up arriving at deeper, richer conclusions.

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