Security at Startup

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In my opinion, security is one of the most forgotten aspects of software engineering. It rarely gets focused on until it’s too late. Even though at least one incident lands on HackerNews every week where some data gets leaked or someone gets hacked — people still think, “Nobody cares about my little startup.” You might think you're too small to be noticed by the big, evil hackers. Wrong. Size doesn't matter. You're always a target; there’s always data to leak and ways to exploit your business.

This is a great primer for the security-related items you need to consider when you’re building software.

Some takeaways:

First, any human-built product is going to be insecure. Nothing is 100% secure, ever. The best you can do is make the bad guys earn it by making it difficult to break into.

Second, your biggest vulnerabilities are almost always human. You can build Fort Knox, but if I’m able to trick your guard into opening the door for me, then what’s the point?

Third, I’m grateful for frameworks like Ruby on Rails which handle a good chunk of the author’s “step 0” items out of the box. Picking the right tool (and keeping that tool sharpened) is the best first step.

Fourth, there’s never a moment with software when you can dust your hands and say, “ope, we’re done!”

Security is especially an area in which you can’t sit still. If you build an app and let it sit for a decade without any updates, I can almost guarantee you that there’ll be a vulnerability in one of your dependencies which I could exploit to take over your system.

Finally, if you reach a certain size of organization, you need someone thinking about this stuff full time and orchestrating all the pieces needed to keep a secure system.

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