Why Best Buy is Going out of Business...Gradually

🔗 a linked post to forbes.com » — originally shared here on

As a former employee of Best Buy (and for full disclaimer, a current shareholder), I can't say I entirely disagree with Larry Downes' post on Forbes regarding his latest experience at one of their stores.

It stinks that the store I loved visiting as a kid (and mostly loved working for) is going through such trying times right now. I hope Brian Dunn and the rest of the crew can turn the boat around before it's too late.

And I agree, there are far too many salespeople who work there that don't really understand how to give great customer service. But for every awful experience I've personally had there as a customer, I've easily went through dozens of solid interactions. There are lots of people I know who work at Best Buy for the same reason I wanted to work there: making sure people understand how cool technology is and how it can really change your life.

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