Accomplish One Thing
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Inertia in my working life is the thing which I find most powerfully motivates and animates my progress. It gives you that sense of inevitability about accomplishing the outcome and desire each morning to keep the ball rolling. Inertia is what will get you through the inevitable slumps, disappointments, and mistakes later on in a project. So I want to get it accumulating as soon as I can.
I have a document on my desktop called BIG THREE.txt. At the end of each day, I’ll write out the “big three” things I must get done on the following day.
The term “big” is a misnomer, because the effort for the tasks on here are often quite small.
But if I can look at that list at the end of the day and see three Unicode checkmarks next to each task, I will leave work feeling like I was productive that day.