What I’ve Learned in 45 Years in the Software Industry

🔗 a linked post to bti360.com » — originally shared here on

No. 2: Focus on the Fundamentals

Technology constantly changes, but some fundamental approaches to software development transcend these trends. Here are six fundamentals that will continue to be relevant for a long time.

  • Teamwork — Great teams build great software. Don’t take teamwork for granted.
  • Trust — Teams move at the speed of trust. Be the kind of dependable person you would want to work with.
  • Communication — Communicate honestly and proactively. Avoid the curse of knowledge.
  • Seek Consensus — Take the time to bring your whole team along. Let discussion and disagreement bring you to the best solution.
  • Automated Testing — Well-tested code allows your team to move fast with confidence.
  • Clean, understandable, and navigable code and design — Think of the next engineer that will take over your code as your customer. Build code that your successor won’t have any trouble reading, maintaining, and updating.

Super astute observations, many of which seemed to be hard-earned.

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