all posts tagged 'mike monteiro'

How to relax

🔗 a linked post to » — originally shared here on

We don’t relax when we can trust the people around us. Maybe we can relax when we prove ourselves worthy of trust. At least in the small things.

We can do the small things. We can live in small moments. We can find hope and love in the people around us. We can stand watch for them, and in turn, they will stand watch for us.

This past year continues to be one where I am peppered by realizations that are only obvious by taking the time to, um, realize them.

One of them is that I take for granted all of the various chores that my wife does around the house.

I’m a lazy person, I’ll admit it. I’d rather spend 100 energy units thinking up a way out of doing a chore than the 3 energy units it actually takes to just do the chore.

And it’s awful to have realizations like this one because, unless you’re an unempathetic jabroni, you feel instantly guilty for being such an untrustworthy person.

I’ve been trying extra hard to build up better habits around my chores. But I think this quote from Mike Monteiro hits me hard because I feel such strong anxiety when I’m procrastinating.

Maybe I need this in my quote rotation as a reminder that beating that particular form of anxiety is the easiest one to defeat. All you gotta do is do something.

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