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Dropout Streaming Subscribers and Content Double, CEO Sam Reich Says

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I am a huge game show fan. A little known fact about me: whenever I go to a hotel, the first thing I do is turn on the TV and find Game Show Network1.

A few months ago, my wife came across Game Changer on YouTube and was like “you need to watch this.”

Ever since, we have been gigantic Dropout fans. We binged the entirety of Game Changer, which is simply a brilliant show with a rotating cast of outstanding comedians.

After going through Game Changer, we started branching into other shows from the network. We are currently making our way through Breaking News, where four people have to read from a teleprompter in a faux news setting without smiling or laughing. It's stupid, it's incredibly funny, and they keep finding ways to switch up the style of humor so the premise doesn't get tired.

As you spend more time in the Dropout universe with shows like Um, Actually and Dimension 20, you start to get that feeling that you get when you spend a lot of time listening to someone's podcast or following their YouTube channel. You start to look forward to episodes with certain people. You see one of your favorites wrote an episode and you feel comfortable, that same confident feeling you get when you see someone take the stage and just know they're going to lead you through the show without any moments of unintended cringe.

I love subscribing to Dropout because it feels like I'm supporting a group of genuinely great people who work their asses off to give me and my wife a few moments of levity at the end of our day. You get this feeling that you're actually supporting people and not a company.

If you haven't given Dropout a chance yet, I highly recommend watching this playlist on YouTube. If you love that, you will definitely love the rest of the absurd Game Changer series.

  1. I subsequently turn it off immediately if it’s an episode of Family Feud with Steve Harvey. I respect the work that Steve's done with the show, and his reactions have certainly made it relevant in an increasingly "viral" world. I just think it's gotten too predictable. A sex joke? Bulging eyes. An answer from far-left field? Dead stare into space. I think the show could get some life breathed into it with a newer, younger host. 

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