WeblogPoMo 2024 - Song 13: Anxiety Attack Mitigation

šŸ”— a linked post to music.apple.com » — originally shared here on

A heads up: this post talks about mental health and suicidal thoughts again.

When you mention suicidal thoughts to your therapist, the first thing they do is work with you to write up a plan.

The plan is a series of steps you can take when you are unable to pull yourself out of a funk.

The steps start out small and accelerate all the way up to ā€œgo to the hospital.ā€

My first small step was to write down movies, TV shows, or songs that make me happy.

The movies and TV shows were easy, but I struggled to think of songs that made me happy.

As Iā€™ve written a lot about this month, most music simply distracts me or serves as a sympathetic friend. Itā€™s not often that songs put a smile on my face.

I started a new playlist in Apple Music called Anxiety Attack Mitigation1. Over the following few weeks, I added songs that brought a legit smile to my face when I heard them.

Here are the songs on it as of today:

Black Box - Fall into My Love (Radio Edit)

One night, my daughter was eating at the table while I was doing dishes. We were arguing about something unimportant. She was ā€œvery madā€ at me.

This song comes on shuffle and I begin dancing. I canā€™t help it with this song, itā€™s too damn groovy.

I turn around and look over at my daughter. She looks up from her plate with an angry scowl. She sees what Iā€™m doing and her jaw drops like a cartoon character. She gets this look on her face thatā€™s equal parts amused and shocked.

She quickly realizes that sheā€™s supposed to be mad at me, so she quickly covers her mouth and looks away.

Whenever this song comes on, even if Iā€™m ā€œvery madā€ about something, I canā€™t help but crack a smile.

Coolio - The Winner

I mentioned this song in my Hit ā€˜em High writeup, so Iā€™ll make this quick:

This is a song that Iā€™ve heard all my life, but never actually listened to until very recently.

Seriously, read these lyrics.

Iā€™ll admit that I didnā€™t expect this sort of message from the same guy as Gangstaā€™s Paradise, but Iā€™m grateful for the wisdom of Coolio.

Des'ree - You Gotta Be

102.9 Lite FM was my second favorite radio station growing up2.

Iā€™d fall asleep to that station every night.

The song I most looked forward to hearing was this one.

Even as a fourth grader, this song made me feel good about myself.

As an adult, the song serves as a manifesto for how to keep moving through life.

Sum 41 - Fat Lip

I had this song on my Cybiko.

Thatā€™s a big deal because my Cybiko had a 16 megabyte card, which could store a whopping 16 minutes of low quality MP3s.

This song reminds me of middle school. Wanting to rebel but never feeling courageous enough to do it.

Iā€™ve been lucky enough to see them perform it live twice this year3. I used to think pop punk music wasnā€™t something I was allowed to have as part of my identity, but the past few months have needed a soundtrack to help me make sense of my present situation.

Now, Iā€™m no longer ashamed to admit that I love it.

12 year old Tim wouldā€™ve loved to see Sum 41 live. 36 year old Tim is grateful to have had that realization before it was too late.

And every time I hear this song, it reminds me that I need to put on my own oxygen mask before helping others.

RĆŖve - Still Dancing

I already covered this one.

Hoobastank - Crawling In The Dark

Iā€™m embarrassed to admit I listen to a lot of these songs, and this one is probably the one Iā€™m the most embarrassed about.

Maybe Iā€™m reaching a point in my life where I want to care less about what other people think, and this post serves as exposure therapy.

But I canā€™t rock out enough to this song when I feel angsty. It helps me feel less alone.

Jimmy Eat World - The Middle

This was another song that was on my Cybiko.

Every time I hear it, I try to place myself into the perspective of either the singer or the girl.

As the singer, someone pops into my head that I feel could use a pat on their back, so I shoot them a text and see how theyā€™re hanging in there.

As the girl, I allow myself to get the pat on the back.

Bluey - I Know a Place (The Creek Song)

The best childrenā€™s television show of the past few years is unquestionably Bluey.

The soundtrack to the show is part of the reason why.

Close your eyes when listening to this song and picture the scene being described.

Itā€™s a sure fire way to ground yourself back in reality, to give you a chance to let go of the thing that is causing you so much stress, to make space for thoughts that matter.

Em Beihold - Numb Little Bug

I went out for karaoke a month or so ago and heard someone sing this song that Iā€™d never heard before.

The lyrics match the way I feel when Iā€™m especially down, and listening to her helps me feel less isolated.

Modest Mouse - Float On

Like the Coolio song above, hereā€™s a song thatā€™s been in regular rotation for years, but I hadnā€™t really listened to the lyrics.

This song is a reminder that life often works out just fine in the end.

Hoku - Perfect Day

You listen to this song and try to not get a dumb grin on your face.

Curtis Mayfield - Move On Up

Yet another song Iā€™ve enjoyed for years without considering the lyrics all that much.

The uplifting lyrics and encouragement to persevere through struggle make this song perfect for this playlist.

It also often gives me perspective for my own struggles. I know there isnā€™t such a thing as ā€œthe suffering Olympics,ā€ but come on, my struggles arenā€™t much compared to those of an African American in the 70s.

The Linda Lindas - Talking to Myself

Iā€™m seeing Green Day this summer, and the Linda Lindas are one of the opening sets.

Their entire Growing Up album is very good, but this song made it on this playlist because, much like the Numb Little Big song, it often feels like weā€™re alone when we have depressive thoughts.

Iā€™m super lucky to have friends I can call to talk about the things I think about that I canā€™t help.

Some of you may even be reading this post! I canā€™t believe people read this stuff, but again, Iā€™m a very lucky guy. ā¤ļø

  1. This is an incredibly dorky name. Just needed to admit that here. 

  2. My first was Radio AAHS. The ink I could spill about my love for Radio AAHSā€¦ 

  3. They are currently on their final tour. Iā€™m not sure if this is like pro wrestling when people have retirement matches and then go on to wrestle for another 30 years (looking at you, Ric Flair), but it sure feels like they are ready to call it. Yet another reason Iā€™m glad I took the opportunity to see them live this year. 

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