
The Articulation Barrier: Prompt-Driven AI UX Hurts Usability

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Current generative AI systems like ChatGPT employ user interfaces driven by ā€œpromptsā€ entered by users in prose format. This intent-based outcome specification has excellent benefits, allowing skilled users to arrive at the desired outcome much faster than if they had to manually control the computer through a myriad of tedious commands, as was required by the traditional command-based UI paradigm, which ruled ever since we abandoned batch processing.

But one major usability downside is that users must be highly articulate to write the required prose text for the prompts. According to the latest literacy research, half of the population in rich countries like the United States and Germany are classified as low-literacy users.

This might explain why I enjoy using these tools so much.

Writing an effective prompt and convincing a human to do a task both require a similar skillset.

I keep thinking about how this article impacts the barefoot developer concept. When it comes to programming, sure, the command line barrier is real.

But if GUIs were the invention that made computers accessible to folks who couldnā€™t grasp the command line, how do we expect normal people to understand what to say to an unassuming text box?

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Ā The Internet Is About to Get Weird Again

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Thereā€™s not going to be some new killer app that displaces Google or Facebook or Twitter with a love-powered alternative. But thatā€™s because there shouldnā€™t be. There should be lots of different, human-scale alternative experiences on the internet that offer up home-cooked, locally-grown, ethically-sourced, code-to-table alternatives to the factory-farmed junk food of the internet. And they should be weird.

If you missed this one when it was making the rounds seven months ago, Anil Dash did not disappoint with this think piece about the weird internet.

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A Stretch of Route 66 Will Play 'America the Beautiful' as You Drive to the Side

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Two years ago, the New Mexico Department of Transportation decided to spice up a particularly desolate stretch of Route 66 between Albuquerque and Tijeras by adding grooves in the road that will play music when you drive over them. If you drive the speed limit of 45 mph for the quarter-mile stretch, you can hear "America the Beautiful" play through the vibrations in your car's wheels.

Some delightful engineering here. I wonder what happens if you hit it at faster or slower speeds?

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Music Journalism Can't Afford A Hollowed-Out Pitchfork

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It is hard not to see this development as a true indicator that we're nearing the endpoint of robust, meaningful music criticism as a concept. The idea that music journalism has no value is one of the most pervasive thoughts circulating among the suits who control the industry. What those people continue to deprive us of is smart, varied music coverage produced by actual journalists, most of whom now find themselves being squeezed out of an industry that only rewards slavish devotion to the biggest pop stars, or a constant courting of drama, gossip, and violence that is only tangentially related to music.

If there's a better future for music journalism to come, it will perhaps spring from the re-emergence of small-batch music blogs and more localized coverage. But what we're left with now is a corporatized wasteland, and fewer publications than ever equipped to write about music with all the rigor and passion it deserves.

Iā€™m glad Iz mentioned the optimistic part of the situation at the end.

Iā€™m, of course, sad and frustrated by what mega corporations are doing to journalism as a whole (not just music journalism).

But what keeps my hope alive is continuing to support smaller writers who cover their beats with an infectious passion.

I donā€™t see a future where journalism suddenly becomes a six-figure kind of job, because capitalism is not a system where art (and nuanced, considered discussions of art) is valued enough to justify that sort of business investment.

I suppose that could be seen as bleak, but take it from someone who is currently grappling with the costs associated with doing the thing I love in exchange for a salary: itā€™s great for the pocket book, but damn near lethal for my soul.

And I suppose by trading my passions in for money, I can use that money to support artists who are out there making stuff that makes me happy.

On a similar note: how do yā€™all discover new music these days? Are there any good writers or blogs I should be following?

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Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Arc

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Comic from SMBC Comics

Person 1: Do you think the arc of history bends toward justice?

Person 2: Of course. But then again, the moon bends toward the earth constantly, and still gets farther away every year.

Man, this comic delivered a haymaker directly into my core belief of justice. šŸ˜‚

Can We Resolve To Be More Normal About Taylor Swift In 2024?

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I donā€™t doubt that Taylor Swift fans sometimes feel marginalized or attacked. Especially the ones who are extremely online and see every bozo on Twitter who says Taylor Swift isnā€™t a real musician or erroneously claims she doesnā€™t write her own songs. Misogyny exists. No one (except those bozos) disputes this. And itā€™s undeniable that Swift communicates something extra special and relatable to her core fans that more casual listeners miss. And that is worth writing about. But at some point, the compulsion to hush or shout down anyone with a dissenting opinion starts to feel wearying and ungenerous. In 2023, it felt like a classic case of being a sore winner, to borrow a phrase used by the writer B.D. McClay in 2019 to describe thin-skinned cultural figures who want ā€œacclaim, but not responsibility; respect without disagreement; wealth without scrutiny; power without anyone noticing itā€™s there.ā€

The first example McClay wrote about, naturally, was Taylor Swift. And that was before she got really big over the pandemic and beyond. But for all her winning, she hasnā€™t got any better about sportsmanship. She remains obsessed with score settling. (When you have a billion-dollar tour and still feel the need to drag Kim Kardashian for something that happened in the mid-2010s you have unlocked a new level of pettiness.) As for the Swifties, Iā€™m sorry, but you donā€™t get to say 'This just isnā€™t for you' when your idol has achieved the ubiquity of Taylor Swift. Because Taylor Swift isnā€™t just for you. Sheā€™s for all of us. Everyone on the planet has Taylor Swift being shot into their ears and up their nostrils. Sheā€™s inescapable. Whether you like her or not.

So, some of us are sort of sick to death of hearing about Taylor Swift. And thatā€™s an understandable reaction that has no bearing on your personal enjoyment of her music if youā€™re a fan. Some of us being sort of sick to death of Taylor Swift will not stop the content machine from servicing you. Fear and capitalism will no doubt roll on in 2024. But maybe we can all be a little more normal about it.

I admit that I'm a bit late to this one considering we're more than halfway through 2024 already.1

Maybe it's a consequence of me being intentionally not online this year, but I haven't seen a whole lot of Taylor this year, which is odd considering she released a new album.

Anyway, while I was reading this article, I thought of a recent Daily Show segment where Jon Stewart quips: "Why does everything have to be so fucking weird?"

Go watch the clip (relevant segment is from 2:32 to 3:45) to understand the context and the delivery of that line.

My wife and I have been saying that nonstop this past month, and it's the perfect question to ask ourselves in what could be perhaps the most bizarre year of our lives to date.

  1. I blame the crushing weight of my ever-growing Instapaper queue, and the fact that I've been reading actual paper books more often lately šŸ˜¬ 

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The Super Effectiveness of PokƩmon Embeddings Using Only Raw JSON and Images

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Embeddings are one of the most useful but unfortunately underdiscussed concepts in the artificial intelligence space relative to the modern generative AI gigahype. Embeddings are a set of hundreds of numbers which uniquely correspond to a given object that define its dimensionality, nowadays in a multiple of 128 such as 384D, 768D, or even 1536D. The larger the embeddings, the more ā€œinformationā€ and distinctiveness each can contain, in theory.

These embeddings can be used as-is for traditional regression and classification problems with your favorite statistical modeling library, but whatā€™s really useful about these embeddings is that if you can find the minimum mathematical distance between a given query embedding and another set of embeddings, you can then find which is the most similar: extremely useful for many real-world use cases such as search.

You wanna cut through the hype about AI? Here's the key takeaway: it boils down to a bunch of math nerds figuring out interesting relationships between numbers.

Which, of course, is useless to all of us non-math nerds... except for when you apply this information in the context of PokƩmon.

Joking aside, I have a basic understanding of embeddings, but this article, with its basis in PokĆ©mon lore, is the clearest explanation for how embeddings work in practice that Iā€™ve seen.

Warning: there's still a lot of involved math happening here, but stay with it. You might learn a concept or two!

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'Inside Out 2' tops $1 billion at the global box office, first film to do so since 'Barbie'

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"Inside Out 2" has also showcased how vital the family audience is to the box office. This underserved crowd accounted for more than 70% of those in attendance during the film's domestic debut, according to data from EntTelligence.

While this audience came out in droves for Universal's "The Super Mario Bros. Movie," which generated more than $1.36 billion at the global box office, there was little for them to feast on until the recent releases of Sony's "The Garfield Movie" and Paramount's "IF."

We saw Inside Out 2 as a family the week it came out.

The anxiety attack portrayal in the movie got the tears rolling. I haven't felt so seen as it relates to mental health struggles, and I'm glad I have an example in the media I can show my kids as they get older and start dealing with stuff like this.

I don't understand why everyone keeps dogging on Pixar, saying they haven't released a good movie in years. Elemental, Turning Red, Soul, Onward, and Luca are all incredible movies.

The only turd since the pandemic is Lightyear. The reveal about Zurg's true identity made me literally yell "you've gotta be kidding me" out loud in a crowded theatre.

The article here does make a good point about the family audience being underserved essentially since the pandemic. We love taking the kids to our local Marcus theater, and there have been very few opportunities to do so with new movies.

The Garfield Movie was cute but also quite skippable. Better to find the 90s cartoon and binge that.

IF is not a kids movie; it's a movie geared towards aging parents who have lost touch with their inner child. (šŸ™‹ā€ā™‚ļø)

Puss in Boots: The Last Wish was dark as hell. I enjoyed it, but my daughter had nightmares for a week after seeing it.

So yeah, I'm grateful for Inside Out 2, and I'm looking forward to more family friendly movies coming to theaters here yet this summer like Despicable Me 4, Harold and the Purple Crayon, and Transformers One.

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The Web Is Not Inevitable

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The Web we have was not born out of neglect. It has taken intentionality to become what it is. The Web we have today will not continue to be what it is and what we envision it to become if we do not involve ourselves.

Yes, itā€™s good to take a break when your burnt out and tired. Yes, itā€™s good to know when to stop or circle back when something isnā€™t working. Yes, itā€™s good to humbly trust others. These are all healthy, necessary things to do if we want to see the Web thrive, but do not remain extinguished, stalled, or sidelined.

The Web needs you and me.

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TikTok Has Made Shoegaze Bigger Than Ever

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In early 2023, an 18-year-old college student decided to make her first-ever shoegaze song. Her friend sent her a ā€œbeat,ā€ a grungy shoegaze instrumental crafted by the producer grayskies, and she spent two hours recording herself singing over it into her phone, using her everyday Apple earbuds as a microphone. No guitars were strummed, and no reverb pedals were stepped on. The next day, she titled the song ā€œYour Faceā€ and uploaded a snippet of it on TikTok, posting under the artist name Wisp. The video gained 100k views overnight, so she made another. That one got 600k views. She made another. That one quickly racked up 1 million views. Soon after, ā€œYour Faceā€ was being streamed millions of times on Spotify, and before Wisp even released a second song, she had signed a deal with Interscope Records.

Fast-forward eight months later and ā€œYour Faceā€ has been streamed nearly 30 million times on Spotify, almost twice as much as My Bloody Valentineā€™s classic Loveless closer ā€œSoon.ā€ The official sound snippet has been used in 126k TikTok videos, almost as many as Mitskiā€™s runaway TikTok goliath ā€œWashing Machine Heartā€ (174k videos). In the real world, Wisp sold-out her first-ever show in less than a half hour, and then her second just as quickly.

Consider this article a bit of a ā€œshot, chaserā€ to my previous post.

Iā€™ve been really into shoegaze lately. This article does a fantastic job of highlighting how zoomers used TikTok to give the genre a renaissance.

It's a good reminder that social media isnā€™t innately awful. It warms my heart to see the children using these incredible technologies to unite under the banner of ethereal and somewhat depressing tunes.

Go check out Duster's album Stratosphere.

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