
Become a Wikipedian in 30 minutes

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Have you ever thought about getting started editing Wikipedia, but then decided not to because you were just overwhelmed by the number of policies it felt like you needed to understand? Or you didnā€™t know where to get started, what to start writing about, what to even edit? Or you were just worried you might break something and mess everything up?

I encourage people to edit Wikipedia all the time, for so many different reasons, and I hear that a lot: that they wanted to start editing, and they maybe even made an account to get started, but then once they went to actually edit something they got scared or overwhelmed by the policies. Or they read a couple of pages and felt like they just couldnā€™t possibly do it.

The spirit of Wikipedia is extremely in line with the values Iā€™ve been working on verbalizing.

A group of strangers making an open source compendium of human knowledge for the sake of altruism? Count me in.

I was scared away from really considering becoming a Wikipedia editor because of a classic episode of Hypercritical where John lists out all of his reasons to be critical of Wikipedia, but this video is making me reconsider.

Related: When I was building the Random Celebrity Generator app in the early days of my career, I relied exclusively on images of celebrities from Wikipedia.

After going through thousands of images and providing proper attribution, you start to see the same names pop up.

It seems like there were maybe ten or so photographers who went to an event like Comic Con with super nice cameras, attended panel discussions, and snapped as many good headshots as they could.

A dream job of mine would be to do the same.

Although I guess it wouldnā€™t be a job per se to take images, get paid zero dollars, and release the rights to those images into the public domain.

Whatā€™s that called again? ā€¦ oh, yeah, a hobby.

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eternal woodstock

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As people keep trying to make Twitter 2 happen, we are now in a period that I'm calling Eternal Woodstock ā€” every few weeks, users flock en masse to new platforms, rolling around in the mud, getting high on Like-dopamine, hoping that they can keep the transgressive, off-kilter meme magic going just a little longer, even though social-media culture already been fully hollowed out and commercialized.

I havenā€™t signed up for any of the new Twitter clones. I do have a Mastodon account that I created back before Twitter got terrible, but besides a futile one week attempt to get into it, it too has sat dormant.

Maybe this is just part of progressing through life, progressing through society and culture.

Itā€™s something Iā€™ve noticed now with having kids: as a kid, you are extremely tuned into social status. Everyone else listens to the ZOMBIES 3 soundtrack? Now you have to be into it. Your little brother likes it now? Now you have to be too good for it.

But for that brief moment, you feel like youā€™re ahead of the game. Youā€™re a tastemaker.

The times where Iā€™ve genuinely been the happiest in my life have been when Iā€™ve done something just for myself. If it makes those around me impressed or weirded out or indifferent, it was of zero consequence to me.

The short list of things I can think of that fit that bill: this blog (which has existed in some shape since I was in sixth grade), making clips for television production class, learning something new, 90s/00s pro wrestling, running, and playing the guitar.

Itā€™s only when I start to look around at others when I start to get depressed.

And maybe thatā€™s a key insight into why I feel like I feel right now. I donā€™t have a job at the moment. At my age, your social status is determined by things like the vacations you go on, the home you have, and the title you hold.

But really, none of that stuff matters. What matters is the stuff that brings you joy.

It just so happens that those things, in fact, do bring me joy. The vacations Iā€™ve gone on in the past 12 months have been the happiest Iā€™ve been in ages. I spent all morning deep cleaning several rooms in my house, and it feels incredible.1 Building software and solving problems for people is what makes me happy, not being a director of this or a chief whatever.

I guess what Iā€™m trying to say is: I should stop feeling guilty about not posting a whole lot on social media.

My home is this website. People can come here if they wanna hang out.

Sure, Iā€™ll poke my head up and see whatā€™s going on with others around me on occasion, but I donā€™t need to feel compelled to chase the feelings that come alongside taste-making.

Those feelings are like capturing lightning in a bottle, and ultimately lead me to my deepest forms of depression.

  1. Even though I know the kids are gonna mess it up in roughly 4 minutes, thatā€™s okay. Itā€™s their house, too.  

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JavaScript Bloat in 2024

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Itā€™s not just about download sizes. I welcome high-speed internet as much as the next guy. But code ā€” JavaScript ā€” is something that your browser has to parse, keep in memory, execute. Itā€™s not free. And these people talk about performance and battery life...

Call me old-fashioned, but I firmly believe content should outweigh code size. If you are writing a blog post for 10K characters, you donā€™t need 1000Ɨ more JavaScript to render it.

Iā€™ll be honest: Iā€™m a bad modern front end dev.

I only have a limited amount of experience with frameworks like Vue and React.

But this blog post gets to the reason why: massive JavaScript framework bloat is often not necessary.

As you can see in this post, many of these incredibly basic sites that display text (like Medium and Substack) still require 4mb of JS code! Thatā€™s insane!

Itā€™s like the old axiom goes: use the right tool for the job.

And maybe think twice before slapping a thousand marketing pixels on your landing page. šŸ˜…

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Spoiler Alert: It's All a Hallucination

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LLMs treat words as referents, while humans understand words as referential. When a machine ā€œthinksā€ of an apple (such as it does), it literally thinks of the word apple, and all of its verbal associations. When humans consider an apple, we may think of apples in literature, paintings, or movies (donā€™t trust the witch, Snow White!) ā€” but we also recall sense-memories, emotional associations, tastes and opinions, and plenty of experiences with actual apples.

So when we write about apples, of course humans will produce different content than an LLM.

Another way of thinking about this problem is as one of translation: while humans largely derive language from the reality we inhabit (when we discover a new plant or animal, for instance, we first name it), LLMs derive their reality from our language. Just as a translation of a translation begins to lose meaning in literature, or a recording of a recording begins to lose fidelity, LLMsā€™ summaries of a reality theyā€™ve never perceived will likely never truly resonate with anyone whoā€™s experienced that reality.

And so we return to the idea of hallucination: content generated by LLMs that is inaccurate or even nonsensical. The idea that such errors are somehow lapses in performance is on a superficial level true. But it gestures toward a larger truth we must understand if we are to understand the large language model itself ā€” that until we solve its perception problem, everything it produces is hallucinatory, an expression of a reality it cannot itself apprehend.

This is a helpful way to frame some of the fears Iā€™m feeling around AI.

By the way, this came from a new newsletter called VectorVerse that my pal Jenna Pederson launched recently with David Priest. You should give it a read and consider subscribing if youā€™re into these sorts of AI topics!

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Restoring IBM Model M Keyboard with Destroyed Cable + USB mod

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There is not much in this world more satisfying to me than watching an Odd Tinkering video.

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Beat anxiety with the most addictive experience on Earth

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Really straight forward advice here:

  1. Write down ten things that youā€™re grateful for, and write each one three times. (This points out to the brain things that have already happened that are good, which lets us take in less negative stuff)
  2. Practice mindfulness for 11 minutes a day. (This is proven to calm down your nervous system and make you less emotionally reactive)
  3. Exercise 20-40 minutes until the voice in your head gets quiet and your lungs open up. (This releases nitric oxide and also resets the nervous system)

I think I can incorporate the gratefulness piece into my journaling habit Iā€™ve developed.

I have never been able to get a mindfulness practice to stick, but hey, maybe thatā€™s something I can try to start tomorrow.

Exercise has been, admittedly, hit or miss these past several months. I do enjoy Apple Fitness workouts, but I miss the runnerā€™s high I used to get with running. I need another goal-based exercise activity to keep myself on track.

But I digress: all of these serve as catalysts to get you into a state of flow, which, as mentioned in this video, is one of the greatest experiences you can ever feel.

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Strategies for an Accelerating Future

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But now Gemini 1.5 can hold something like 750,000 words in memory, with near-perfect recall. I fed it all my published academic work prior to 2022 ā€” over 1,000 pages of PDFs spread across 20 papers and books ā€” and Gemini was able to summarize the themes in my work and quote accurately from among the papers. There were no major hallucinations, only minor errors where it attributed a correct quote to the wrong PDF file, or mixed up the order of two phrases in a document.

Iā€™m contemplating what topic I want to pitch for the upcoming Applied AI Conference this spring, and I think I want to pitch ā€œHow to Cope with AI.ā€

Case in point: this pull quote from Ethan Mollickā€™s excellent newsletter.

Every organization Iā€™ve worked with in the past decade is going to be significantly impacted, if not rendered outright obsolete, by both increasing context windows and speedier large language models which, when combined, just flat out can do your value proposition but better.

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The U.S. Census Is Wrong on Purpose

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According to the just-published 2020 U.S. Census data, Monowi now had 2 residents, doubling its population.

This came as a surprise to Elsie, who told a local newspaper, ā€œThen someoneā€™s been hiding from me, and thereā€™s nowhere to live but my house.ā€

It turns out that nobody new had actually moved to Monowi without Elsie realizing. And the census bureau didnā€™t make a mistake. They intentionally changed the census data, adding one resident.

Today, I learned about the concept of differential privacy.

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The 25 Percent Rule for Tackling Technical Debt

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Addressing technical debt is rarely about making time for large fixes. Itā€™s about setting strong examples for improving code in our daily work. Itā€™s about celebrating the ability to refactor code to make it easier to work with.

I really like the approach the author takes in categorizing the various types of technical debt one might come across when building software.

The part that I found most enlightening was about yearly debt:

Yearly Debt is the kind where after lots of conversations, someone concludes a rewrite is the only solution. Sometimes a rewrite may be the only solution. Sometimes you may have a Ship of Theseus problem on your hands where you need to slowly and methodically replace parts until the system is the same but different.

Sometimes, though, this isnā€™t really debt. Itā€™s possible that your dilemma is the result of growth or changing markets. In that respect, calling it debt does a disservice to our success, and distracts from solving the problem of growth.

Brilliant. The ā€œdebtā€ metaphor is apt because not all debt is created equally.

If your town grows into a city, you eventually need to take out debt to build out new infrastructure. You might need to add a few lanes to the main bridge that passes through town. You might need to add more parks or theatres or schools to attract more people.

This incurs debt, for sure, but the payoff comes down the road when you now have an attractive city with amenities that help keep the city vibrant and growing.

The same applies to building software. Sometimes, the algorithm that got you here wonā€™t work for the new customer you want to attract. Sometimes, the frameworks you used to build your mobile app are no longer able to support the hot new feature you want to add.

When framed like that, you no longer call these projects ā€œdebtā€ā€¦ you call them investments.

Investments are different from the sort of debt you incur from re-landscaping your back yard for the third time in four years.

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Why "Random Access Memories" is a Masterpiece

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This album essentially served as the soundtrack of the early days of the Jed Mahonis Group.

Whenever we needed a day to be heads down, this album would be turned on repeat.

Whenever there was a late night push and we needed the extra motivation to get through it, this album was on repeat.

I came across this video describing the inner turmoil that Daft Punk was feeling while making this album, and I couldnā€™t help but feel the similarities to my present day situation.

I have long considered this album to be in my top 5 favorites of all time, but this YouTube video made me understand and appreciate it a whole lot more. I should see if there are similar videos for my other favorite albums.

File this video under ā€œreasons I love the internet.ā€